Endless Knits-knitted patterns by Nitza Coto. Knitting patterns for cardigans, scarves, hats, garments and accessories. Learn beginning to advance knitting techniques with our tutorials, commentaries and videos.

The Business Side of Designing – Social Media Challenges

It’s interesting, all that’s necessary to bring forth a design. Whether it is painting, designing patterns, knitting, crocheting, jewelry making, scrap booking, or whatever art form it may be, once it is conceptualized if its not exposed will remain non-existent. So the challenge is at times developing oneself in areas in which we may not necessarily excel in or even enjoy.

I was at a yarn shop just recently and brought in one of my latest designs.  I got many complements and request for my pattern. I felt good as you can image. Yes, I showed my design and now 5 ladies knew about it. It’s about letting people know what we do. If what you’ve created is not exposed, it will never go beyond its full potential whether it is monetary or the sharing of knowledge to enhance and inspire someone else’s craft.

Social Media Fun Shopping Cart
Ultimately, it all comes down to marketing. Designing and marketing are equally important – one should not exist without the other. Creative energy must be channels equality towards both venues. This is a hard thing to do if your enjoyment in mostly in designing.
Unfortunately, for me, I lack much knowledge in these new technical-social areas. Let’s just say, I actually use my cell phone as a phone. There are some who can manipulate social media to an art form. Blogging, Facebook, Tweeter, and all the handshaking that comes with it, comes very natural to some. For me, I’m a work in progress.

As a knitter and designer, I find my solace in my design work. It’s a quite place. I can spend hours knitting and designing but clearly that is not enough. It is but a portion of my task.  My challenge awaits me. I need to reach out and let others know what I’ve done. A hand full of ladies at my local yarn store does not suffice.

Are you in this same situation? Do people know what you do? Is there something you’d like to share with others? I imagine that there are many like myself who are learning this new art form, side-by-side, along with your dreams. I hope you’re up to the challenge. I am!

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Blogging Tips

Last weekend I attended a conference here in the Orlando area, Central Florida Bloggers Conference. This particular conference was on blogging.

 Thanks to Chris, my knitter, blogger, food expert friend who recommended this seminar. Chris has a very successful cooking blog called, CooktheStory.com


What I learn at this seminar, I’ll share with you. I’ll be writing these tips in a serious of blog entries to come. 

We’ll be talking…     sm Logo dragon fly only

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