Tag Archive for installing links from Feedburner

Make it easy for your readers to keep connected by using Feeds.

Ok, so you’ve got a blog going and people are now coming to your site to read your blog on your latest knitting project, favorite patterns, recipes or just sharing family fun stuff.

Maybe they found your site in passing or perhaps your site was linked from somewhere else such as Ravelry, Facebook or your website. Whatever the case, you’ll want to make it easy for these readers to return to your site again.

 TipsTIP: Create A FEED.

Create a feed to allow others to be notified when you’ve posted a new blog. This is how I did it:



First create an account with Feedburner.google.com. Then go to “publicize”. Where it says Chickletize your web site, select friendly graphics.

Here you’ll find lots of choices. Whatever you select from this list, the HTML code for that selection will appear at the bottom. Copy and paste this code to your site.

I have the “Subscribe to Endless Knits” and “Subscribe to a Reader” HTML codes included in my blog (see right side bar). I also subscribed to my own site and now I get an email when I publish a new post. It’s a good way of testing what you’re doing.

If you are using Blogger for your blog, setting this up is pretty easy. Just add the Subscribe to email into your site. Its one of the choices provided to you as an add-on.

If you are using WordPress you’ll have to install the code in a widget window. Go to Appearance, select Widget, select Text – arbitrary text or HTML. Drag and drop this Text widget into your Sidebar Blog. Now open the text box by selecting the down arrow icon and paste the Feedburner code.

Endless Knits logo  COMING UP….If you notice, I’ve added my logo, the dragonfly with yarnwings, on the top browser tab. This is called a Favicon. I’ll be sharing with you soon how I added my Favicon to my blog so you can add one to your blog too.